Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Giving Thanks

My Lakota friends say that setting aside one day each year to give thanks is a problem. Every day, they say, should be a day of thankful prayer. Today I am grateful for so much, but particularly for TIME to slow down, reflect, and honor Mother Earth around me. I am grateful to participants in our workshops (email deb.bowen.crone@gmail to be added to my mailing list). I am grateful that, in some small way, the work I do makes a difference in someone's life. I am grateful that my students are my best teachers.

I am grateful to those folks working to stop Titan Cement (see from destroying this place I love so much. I am grateful to President Obama for working toward health care reform. I am grateful for the work of Lynn Heritage and Grandmothers for Peace ( There are many, many other organizations making differences in lives, and I offer up gratitude for their work.

In my beliefs, the New Year began on October 31, as we celebrated the last of the harvest, and I am grateful for the new year's approach. I will spend some time in the mountains and on the ocean soon, reconnecting with Mother Earth and Mother Ocean in deep, blissful solitude, and for that gift, there aren't enough words to express my gratitude.
peace and blessings,

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